April 30, 1986 – Teaching 27 of 73 Why the 12 tribes listed in Revelation are different than elsewhere in the Bible, the arrival in heaven of the Tribulation saints, final organization in heaven for all the different groups
April 30, 1986 – Teaching 27 of 73 Why the 12 tribes listed in Revelation are different than elsewhere in the Bible, the arrival in heaven of the Tribulation saints, final organization in heaven for all the different groups
April 23, 1986 – Teaching 26 of 73 The 7th seal, the sealing of the Jews (God’s protection from judgement), the consumption of redemption, the pause of events in heaven, the 7-year period from Daniel
April 16, 1986 – Teaching 25 of 73 The Abomination of Desolation, the 6th seal, the end of The Great Tribulation, beginning of the 7-year judgement period of no grace or mercy, the antichrist revealed
April 9, 1986 – Teaching 24 of 73 Recap of the white horseman, the red horseman, false peace of antichrist, the great tribulation, the black horse, the pale horse
April 2, 1986 – Teaching 23 of 73 God’s wrath mixed with mercy, the Great Tribulation, God’s judgement, the horsemen, the 7 last plagues, the Gospel after the Rapture, persecution by Antichrist
March 26, 1986 – Teaching 22 of 73 Saints rejoicing around the throne, the new song in heaven, the hidden truth in Revelation 5:13, the spiritual realm, characteristics of antichrist
March 19, 1986 – Teaching 21 of 73 The most important verse in all Biblical prophecy, Jesus paying the redemption price, opening of the 7-sealed book ceremony, creation, evolution, the missing link, worlds with out end
March 12, 1986 – Teaching 20 of 73 Jesus Christ taking the title deed to the earth, the suffering of Jesus Christ, regeneration of the earth, details on the tribulation time and the plagues
February 5, 1986 – Teaching 19 of 73 Three phases of redemption, the 7-sealed book, the authority of Jesus to inherit the earth
January 29, 1986 – Teaching 18 of 73 Predestination, daily walking in the Spirit, calling, spiritual maturity, introduction to chapter 5